SCG Joins Forces at APEC 2022 Thailand to Highlight Green Innovations and Woman Empowerment for Sustainable Economy

SCG strengthens the APEC 2022 Thailand cooperation to continue throughout the year, bolstering the green economy and making every APEC conference a green meeting through innovative recycled paper. SCG also encourages the young generations to plant seagrass to reduce global warming and highlights exceptional women from the Community Power Project to share inspiring and lifechanging stories of those who escaped poverty with creative product ideas. SCG joins forces to revive the economy following the COVID19 pandemic to prepare for new challenges. It is confident that Thailand is prepared to host the APEC summit on 1419 November.

Venus Asavasitthithavorn, Director of Enterprise Brand Management Office of SCG, said, “SCG is proud to serve as APEC Communication Partners for the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting. Throughout the year, SCG supports green meetings, decorates venues with recycled paper innovations, and promotes woman empowerment. At the same time, we continue to emphasize Thailand’s role as the APEC summit’s host nation, which we believe will leave a lasting impression on those in attendance.”

SCG has continuously communicated, engaged in activities, and increased awareness of the hosting of the APEC 2022 summit since November 2021 in two dimensions:

  • Drive the green economy through the Green Meeting.” Innovative recycled paper is utilized as finishing materials for meeting venues. Examples include the backdrop, podium, communication materials, and press center for both domestic and international media outlets within the APEC summit during 14-19 November. The materials were designed with aesthetics, durability, reusability,  lightweight, portability, and after-use recycling in mind, and they garnered praise from attendees. Other green efforts include the New generation team for Plant Beat Heat initiative, which involves planting seagrass, which aids in absorbing carbon dioxide four times more effectively than terrestrial forests. The action helps mitigate global warming, build environmentally friendly communities, and foster community tourism.
  • Woman empowerment. SCG’s Community Power Project collaborates with APEC 2022 Thailand during the summit to highlight the power of women in driving the Asia-Pacific economy through the life-changing stories of extraordinary women who have joined the Community Power Project. Women participating in the program receive a Mini MBA, product ideas, and marketing know-how so that they can use to develop innovative community products and create jobs. These women were able to get out of debt and enjoy a stable income. There are currently 450 people involved in the project, which has generated 850 products, and such knowledge has been shared with 10,200 people. Examples of output from success stories include chicken-shaped pineapple-filled cookies by Mae Ning Kesirin Klinfoong of Lampang province served in a snack box at the APEC meeting. The snack is received favorably at the meeting. The Community Power Project has recently been awarded the “UN Women 2022 Thailand Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Awards in Community Engagement and Partnerships.

Tanee Sangrat, DirectorGeneral of the Department of Information and spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said about incorporating greenness into this year’s APEC summit, “This summit will be held in a green format, and the Green Press Center will be established by APEC Communication Partners, who come from both business and civil society to ascertain what requirements must be met for a press center to qualify as a Green Press Center. This effort includes lowering paper and greenhouse gases, with SCG as a partner in making these things possible. The seats used in the press area sponsored by SCG are made from recycled paper. In addition, our partners offer innovations and technologies that align with the BCG principle by expanding the “Open. Connect. Balance” concept to a broader sense.”

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Published on: Nov 7, 2022

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