SCG Highlights Application “KoomKah” Holistic Digital Solution for Waste Banks

SCG by Chemicals Business has unveiled an application “KoomKah,” a holistic digital solution to help streamline waste bank management. The application will simplify purchase planning strategy and logistics while reducing management costs and enabling better waste management at source for waste bank operators and members. The solution will also improve the public waste handling behavior regarding waste separation at source and proper waste disposal and promote sustainable recycling practices in line with the Circular Economy. The goal is to establish the practice in 170 communities by 2020.

Mr. Samphan Luveeraphan, Managing Director of SCG Plastics Company Limiteda subsidiary of Chemicals Business, SCG,  disclosed, “SCG has placed waste management as one of the prioritized strategies to boost resource efficiency and recycling based on the Circular Economy. The effort is to put a focus on proper waste separation and return the resource to the production stream. The 2018 statistical data of Thailand’s Pollution Control Department showed that Thailand generated 27.8 million tons of waste, which about 34% of them or 9.58 million tons can be reutilized. Of this amount, approximately 2 million tons are plastic waste, which only 0.5 million tons can be recycled. The application “KoomKah” will encourage better recycling, which is another way to add value to waste and reduce landfill waste.

At the same time, the trends of recycling businesses such as waste banks have become increasingly apparent coinciding with green business trends. The availability of tools to help comprehensively streamline waste management will promote sustainable growth for waste banks. The application “KoomKah” is a tool or assistant for waste bank operators and members to organize proper and efficient waste management. The application will help improve waste purchase strategy, add value to waste and increase the opportunity of different waste distribution to recyclers and incinerators.​ The implementation of such an application can be a sustainable solution as it can increase motivation and public participation in household waste management. This approach can encourage proper waste sorting and littering for better waste management and recycling practices. The goal is to expand the use of the application in 170 communities by 2020. Chemicals Business, SCG, has developed and piloted the application “KoomKah” with many waste bank operators such as Thammasat University Rangsit Campus and Khao Phai waste bank in Rayong province.

Mr. Pongphan Sakanai, an officer of Waste Bank at Thammasat University Rangsit Campus, said, “The application, ‘KoomKah,’ helps reduce time and processing steps. It transforms the data input from a manual paper-based system to a digital system on application. This helps improve data accuracy and completeness as well as organizing and planning better waste purchase.”

Likewise, Miss Napat Poomrattanachote, an officer of Khao Pai waste bank in Rayong province, said, “The application “KoomKah” helps me manage waste trade data better and minimize errors since both buyers and sellers can validate data.

Mr. Sanya Jindaprasert, Digital Manager of Chemicals Business, SCG, revealed, “The development of the “KoomKah” application started with the on-site surveys to uncover insights and needs of the users in waste bank business. We found that most users still input the data manually and has no inventory data record. This has inspired the development of the application “KoomKah” as a digital solution for waste management. The application will resolve the problems the waste bank operators have as well as being a tool that fits a modern lifestyle. Its key advantage is “user-friendly”  with diverse and holistic features to reduce complicated processing steps and enable speedy and simplistic trade. It also supports real-time updates with accuracy, transparency, and the ability to verify data from both buyers and sellers. Users will be advised by the expert team for installation and basic configuration. The implementation of digital technology to help streamline waste management will enhance the convenience of waste bank operators and generate more incomes as well inspiring the public to separate waste and pass on the concept to the families and community members.”

The application “KoomKah” consists of 5 key features: Buy to record waste data and calculate trading amount; Membership Management to collect membership data and history of point redemption and collection; Sell to record sell data and calculate revenue and profits from trade;  Inventory Management to organize waste category, cost and point collection from Buy segment for trade strategy improvement; and Report to help user evaluate data and download excel file for further analysis.

For those who are interested in the details, check out to learn more details with “KoomKah” team at or check out other news of SCG at / Facebook: scgnewschannel / Twitter: @scgnewschannel or Line@: @scgnewschannel

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