SCG International Wins 2 Awards for Sustainable Development under the Green Industry Initiatives by the Ministry of Industry

SCG International Corporation Company Limited, led by Mr. Yongyos Pholtanawat, ASEAN Supply Chain Director, and Ms. Wattanee Taeracoop, Energy Business Division Manager, has been recognized with two awards from the Ministry of Industry. These awards include the Level 4 Green Industry Award and The Environmental Governance Award for the year 2022. This recognition is part of a project aimed at fostering Thailand’s industrial development towards the green industry. The awards were presented by Mr. Julapong Thaweesri, Director-General of the Department of Industrial Works, at a ceremony held at the Royal Thai Army Club in Bangkok, and by Mr. Supong Raksrithong, Head of the Policy, Planning, and Duties Execution in the Industrial Factories Division, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, at a ceremony held at the Rojana Industrial Park.

SCG International Wins 2 Awards for Sustainable Development

First, “The Level 4 Green Industry Award” signifies a commitment to nurturing a ‘Green Culture’. This involves prioritizing, promoting, and supporting collective environmental awareness and cooperation among all organizational members, along with implementing internal workplace practices that align with the sustainable development goals of the Ministry of Industry, making it an integral part of the organizational culture. This achievement has been realized through various initiatives, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects, Circulating Water System within the factory to reduce water consumption and zero waste discharge into the surrounding communities, and the installation of solar panels to reduce internal electricity consumption. These efforts have resulted in a substantial 25% reduction in electricity usage, equivalent to reducing 26,693.28 kgCO2e/unit during the first half of 2023.

In addition, “The Environmental Governance Award” promotes cooperation between businesses and the surrounding communities by encouraging transparent and ethical business practices, proper waste management, truthfulness in disclosures, and prioritizing environmental considerations in community development. This supports the development of industrial practices and society towards sustainability and community involvement in conducting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities through various initiatives. For example, the Community Area Development Project for Agricultural Linkage in Nakhon Luang District (Wat Bandai Community). This project involves land reclamation for agricultural, the development of water storage systems, and the supporting of agricultural tools to empower local communities in farming, thereby generating income for households. Other notable initiatives include the Wat Ruea Khaeng Community project and a project supporting hydroponics learning at the Ban Dap School.

SCG International Wins 2 Awards for Sustainable Development

These awards underscore the dedication of our company and all our staff members to prioritizing comprehensive environmental sustainability, both at the factory and within the surrounding communities. It reflects our commitment to improving the quality of life in project-related communities alongside the development of environmentally responsible business practices.

The Level 4 Green Industry Award and The Environmental Governance Award for the year 2022

Published on: Sep 7, 2023

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