The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Building has been awarded “LEED Zero Waste Certification” and TRUE Certification” at the Platinum level from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). It is ASEAN’s first building that receives both prestigious certifications. The SET Building emphasizes the efficient use of resources and zero waste, reflecting operations with sustainable responsibilities for society and environment.
SET Executive Vice President Kirati Kosicharoen said SET embeds the environment, social and governance (ESG) principle into operations to be in accordance with its vision “To Make the Capital Market ‘Work’ for Everyone”. In the latest development, the SET Building received the 2022 certification from the USGBC for resource efficiency, demonstrating the determination of the whole SET personnel from the levels of policymakers to staff members to collaboratively make the most efficient and the best use of resources.
SET has achieved zero waste to landfill since 2020 by implementing the 3Rs (reduce-reuse-recycle) principle. Moreover, SET has enhanced cooperation with partners; applied innovations and technologies for its resource management; and promoted procurement processes with a focus on eco-friendly trading partners, products and services.
SCG Building & Living Care Consulting Co., Ltd. Managing Director Wachirachai Koonamwattana, said the company is very pleased to take part in providing advice to SET to achieve the Platinum level of evaluation scores in accordance with the USGBC certification standard. SCG prioritizes solutions to global warming and thus applies the ESG 4 Plus guideline for sustainable development to its business activities which value responsibilities for society, communities and the environment. ESG 4 Plus comprises 1) Set Net-zero, 2) Go Green, 3) Reduce Inequality and 4) Embrace Collaboration. SCG Building & Living Care Consulting is aimed to support organizations in achieving their net zero goal. The fact that the SET Building is the first in ASEAN to receive “LEED Zero Waste Certification” and “TRUE Certification” at the Platinum level is a part of the company’s success and significant milestone to be guidelines for other organizations.
The certifications are for the buildings that make the most efficient use of resources under their roofs and throughout supply chains in accordance with the circular economy principle. Certified buildings must put more than 90 percent of their waste to good use by avoiding the kinds of waste management that would harm the environment such as waste-to-energy and landfill, and their contaminated waste must be less than 10 percent of their total waste. Criteria for the certifications cover all kinds of waste, cooperation with business partners to improve packaging, product take back programs, packaging recycling and value addition with upcycling.
Other factors behind the certifications are clear policies and participation by executives and staff members. SET’s employees and business partners of SET Building have been trained on zero waste and taken part in relevant initiatives. Moreover, the carbon dioxide emitted from waste management of the SET Building are calculated throughout its supply chain.
Earlier, SET won the Green Office Award at the Gold Level from the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Thailand Energy Awards for zero energy buildings from the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, the ASEAN Energy Awards from the ASEAN Center of Energy (ACE), and the LEED Platinum: Operation and Maintenance (O+M) certification from the USGBC.
About SCG Building & Living Care Consulting Co., Ltd.
SCG Building & Living Care Consulting Co., Ltd. has offered consulting to more than 200 building projects to achieve internationally recognized certifications and applied knowledge about sustainability and wellbeing that SCG has acquired for more than 10 years. The company has integrated its consulting services that cover a wide range of sustainable building standards including LEED, TREES, fitwel and TRUE into new consulting service for Net Zero Building. This is to help all parties accomplish their net zero missions with its concept of “Pathway to Net Zero” through consulting on the analysis of organizations, buildings and products as well as the calculation of cost efficiency and returns and the tailor-made solutions that suit the goals and budgets of different organizations.
Published on: Mar 22, 2023