SCG rolls out ESG strategy with ‘Choosing to Save the World’ campaign Encouraging Thai consumers to change their purchasing behaviors and choose products and services bearing ‘SCG Green Choice’ label for a better future of the world and quality of life

SCGimplements its ESG strategy in accordance with the ESG 4 Plus principles by launching the campaign Choosing to Save the World in order to ignite thoughts and inspire Thai people to improve their consumption habits. With the purpose of encouraging customers to acquire and utilize more environmentally friendly products and services, the SCG Green Choicemark is introduced as a certification to assist customers in making a decision to purchase ecofriendly products and services that promote health and wellbeing. This label certifies the products from SCGs three main business groups, which include cement and building materials, chemicals, and packaging. Meanwhile, the company is preparing to launch a series of TV commercials under the concept Consider before buying to encourage Thai consumers to always think about and seek out products and services bearing the SCG Green Choicelabel for a better quality of life and to provide a sustainable world for the next generation.

Ms. Porawan Mahatanasuk, Customer and Brand Management Director of Cement and Building Materials Business, SCG, shared her view: “SCG is constantly aware of and concerned about the challenges of global warming and resource scarcity. As a result, we are determined to develop and operate our business in accordance with the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. Last year, we announced our sustainability strategy through the ESG 4 Plus, with a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and an emphasis on developing green innovation (GO GREEN) for products and services across all three business groups. We recently launched the ‘Choosing to Save the World’ campaign to urge Thai consumers to recognize the necessity of altering their behaviors by purchasing products labeled with ‘SCG Green Choice’ logo. To help promote the campaign, we are planning to air a series of TV commercials under the concept ‘Consider before buying,’ consisting of 1-minute and 30-second spots that will reinforce the message that everyone can live in an environmentally friendly manner while also caring for themselves. In addition, the TVCs will communicate that products certified by ‘SCG Green Choice’ focus on three areas of benefit: climate resilience, natural resource circularity, and health and well-being, and will air for the first time on January 23rd on both television and online media. We hope that this certification label will encourage everyone to join us in our social responsibility campaign, where we will work together to care for the world for a sustainable future while causing the least amount of environmental disruption possible according to ESG guidelines.”

Ms. Porawan Mahatanasuk, Customer and Brand Management Director of Cement and Building Materials Business, SCG

SCG urges Thai consumers to make a smart choicefor the world by choosing

SCG Green Choiceproducts

  • What is SCG Green Choicelabel? SCG Green Choice is a designation that recognizes environmentally friendly products and services. Every product bearing this designation is beneficial to both the user’s quality of living and the environment. These products and services have undergone an environmentally friendly manufacturing process that conserves resources (according to the circular economy principle), reduces pollution and waste, and provides a long service life that can be reused or recycled. The label assures buyers that these items prioritize three important factors: climate resilience, natural resource circularity, and supporting good health and well-being.
  • What are the benefits of SCG Green Choicelabel? ‘SCG Green Choice’ is a label that is developed to enable consumers in making more informed decisions about the sustainability and convenience of purchasing various SCG products and services. Not only that, but the label also contributes to three vital aspects of conservation: 1) saving the world: lowering resource consumption and global warming. For example, the SCG hybrid formula structural cement reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing process by at least 2.5 kg per cement bag. 2) Saving ourselves: SCG goods, such as ‘Fest Choice’ from SCG’s food packaging product range, is food grade, which means safe for consumers’ health. 3) Saving the costs: cost-cutting features include energy and water savings, repair cost savings, and a long service life. These involve COTTO faucets that save at least 20% of the water and SCG’s solar roof system, which can save up to 60% on electricity expenditures.
  • What products from SCG can be chosen? Currently, up to 32 percent of SCG products are approved with the ‘SCG Green Choice’ label. This includes products from all three business groups, including 1) Cement and Building Materials Business, which ranges from house or building construction services to innovative structures with environmentally friendly features from the structural product line, cement, concrete, roof tiles, smart boards for ceilings, floors, and walls, wood substitute, ceramic tiles, sanitary wares, and faucets, to landscape materials. Aside from that, we provide roof installation, roof repair, and solar roof solution for residential and commercial buildings.       2) Chemicals Business: From upstream to downstream chemical production, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyvinyl chloride, there are innovations and solutions to fulfill varied needs, as well as integrated solutions, such as floating solar panels. 3) The Packaging Business (SCGP) provides a diverse range of innovations in paper and plastic packaging, food containers, as well as paper and paper pulp products.
SCG products that have been certified ‘SCG Green Choice’ label

“SCG will continue to focus on creating more diverse and environmentally friendly innovations. We aim to increase the proportion of products certified with the ‘SCG Green Choice’ label to 67 percent by 2030 because we believe that this label is one of the key mechanisms that helps drive net zero emission goals and increase consumer engagement in creating a good quality of life for everyone, as well as a sustainable world in the future” Ms. Porawan concluded.

Those who are interested in learning more about the products and services that have been certified with the ‘SCG Green Choice’ label can stay up to date by contacting SCG HOME Contact Center at 02-586-2222, visiting the, Facebook Page: SCG, or SCG HOME stores and SCG’s authorized dealers nationwide.

Published on: Jan 24, 2022

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