SCG introduces “Secret agents save the earth: The musical”, music of inspiration, urging everyone to address the climate crisis

SCG launches a new online video titled “Secret agents save the earth: The musical” under the concept of “ESG start together, for us and the world”. The musical portrays stories of social and environmental crises that require urgent collaborated solutions namely the climate crisis, loss of nature, and social inequality. This is communicated via creative music that is both fun and accessible. Also, there are guidelines on ways to jointly care for the world through eco-friendly actions and innovation such as planting trees, sorting waste, choosing biodegradable packaging, and supporting clean energy. This aims to create awareness and inspiration to adopt concepts of Environmental, Social, Governance or ESG, the suggestions toward a sustainable world, into everyone’s daily routine.

This online video resonates with SCG’s determination to encourage all sectors to become part of the solution for the social and environmental issues that the world is facing. This aligns with SCG’s ESG 4 Plus which includes “Set net-zero – Go green – reduce inequality – embracing collaborations, enveloped in fairness and transparency”, all seeking to accomplish sustainable development goals and deliver a better world for the next generation.

View “Secret agents save the world: The musical” at YouTub SCG from today onwards and follow us and SCG’s ESG innovation at


Published on: Mar 29, 2022 

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