SCG announced four winning pitches for the project “Hacks to Heal Our Planet: ESG Idea Pitching,” which integrates ESG concepts from over 262 pitches submitted by youth from Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The project seeks to inspire young people to help the world transition to a sustainable future.
SCG recognized concerns about the environment, society, and inequality and called on young people to pitch their ideas integrating the ESG concept (Environmental, Social, and Governance) through the project “Hacks to Heal Our Planet: ESG Idea Pitching.” The goal is to motivate them to address environmental, social, and governance concerns at the ESG Symposium 2022: Achieving ESG and Growing Sustainability, an international forum for collaboration. SCG also announced four winning pitches from three categories that address current societal needs and result in a better planet.
Award Winner: An idea that addresses environmental issues
PARASOL: a solar film roll that is accessible everywhere, promoting clean energy
The idea originated from the need to address the problem of low-income households having difficulty accessing solar energy from solar cells in rural areas of Indonesia. A group of young Indonesians developed the PARASOL perovskite-based printable solar roll, which utilizes PET plastic waste as one of its main components. The goal is to increase the use of solar energy among low-income households in both urban and rural areas. It has properties that are ideal for the application and is lighter, more flexible, and simpler to install than silicon-based solar PV. Additionally, it is less expensive, enabling those with low incomes and people in remote areas to thoroughly use solar sources and promoting the use of environmentally friendly, clean energy.

Distinguished Award: An idea that addresses social inequality
Langsurge: A platform that breaks language barriers for the hearing impaired
The hearing impaired can currently communicate with each other via sign language and gestures. However, it might still be difficult for them to express and convey emotions when communicating with other people. This group of young people created an application that eliminates communication barriers between the hearing impaired and others using website code HTML CSS JS, AI Machine Learning & Deep Learning, and 3D sign language construction, which not only aids in the interpretation of emotions and feelings but also provides “sign language classrooms” for those who wish to learn more about and better understand the hearing-impaired people in society.

Distinguished Award: An idea that addresses corruption and unfairness (Governance).
Shakeup, an anti-corruption and rights-empowerment platform for young people.
Highly competitive society is another source of corruption and unfairness in society. It is crucial to establish a sense of right and wrong, fairness, and respect for other people’s rights at a young age. The concept is the genesis of the project Shakeup, which establishes a platform for reporting school corruption and rights abuses. The Student Council will act as an intermediary in forwarding concerns to school administrators to ensure investigation and contribute to the establishment of healthy Thai social norms.

Khun Car: Create road safety to promote a healthy society
Part of the traffic problems is related to drivers’ disregard for road rules, which has become a national problem that is difficult to resolve. The practice of traffic discipline is an additional means for people to recognize the necessity of safe road sharing. This is the inspiration for creating the application Khun Car, which generates a 3D vehicle graphic and allows for upgrades. Users of the app can submit reports of traffic violations with images, such as riding a motorcycle on a sidewalk or driving on the wrong side of the road. The app also provides various incentives supporting improved societal standards and road safety.

All of this is partially attributable to the creative minds of a new generation that desires to reflect on issues pertaining to the planet’s environment, society, and inequity. They pitch solutions with the concept of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) through the project Hacks to Heal Our Planet: ESG Idea Pitching, a platform that welcomes fresh solutions to problems, which leads to concrete actions and impart inspiration to young creators. This is because the world is in urgent need of creative solutions to problems that transcend all limits. SCG believes that a small power can significantly impact the world and serve as a catalyst for promoting sustainable development.
Published on: Jul 26, 2022